Lindsay Lohan has some explaining to do.
Her court-ordered alcohol-monitoring bracelet, called a SCRAM device, was trigged Sunday evening during an MTV Music Awards afterparty, according to a source close to the case.
It remains unclear whether alcohol was detected in her system or if the device was tampered with. Either one would alert authorities.
Lohan, 23, could face jail time if the judge in her case rules that the actress violated the conditions of her bail – which include abstaining from alcohol and submitting to random drug testing. Judge Marsha Revel is expected to receive the SCRAM report soon, the source says, and could order Lohan in for an immediate bail revocation hearing.
Is any one surprised here? I mean, first she gets that DUI (twice), then she gets caught with cocaine, followed by breaking her probation. Now this. I mean, we're just going from bad to worse here. I'm not too sure why people would think a little bracelet would stop Lohan from being the party girl that she is. What is it Lindsay, that THIRD time in rehab just didn't do it for you? Figure your shit out, girlfriend.